Release v23.28 - October 31, 2023
October 18th, 2023
API command for retrieving a single object, Excel import/export support for Data Governance fields, and more. Click the heading to see the full list 👆
- API. GET DDL of the specific object by name
Data modeling
FE. Remove revision number from comment
Suggested relationships. Patterns popup. Change radio button name
Broken highlights for view in Column-view-lineage
Diagram. Object context menu. Remove Clone item
GBQ. STRUCT Improvements
Easy invitation. Send an email to the project owner
User projects. Only an Icon was displayed without username
Snowflake. Views with sub-queries are not recognized when importing
Import Documentation is not applying certain changes done via XLS
Data governance
- DG. Fields included in Excel Import/Export
- DG. Field types and values in Excel upload
- DG. Pages. Redo and Undo
- DG. Pages. Page template updates
- DG. Pages. Add a link to another Page
- DG. Pages. Topbar tooltip improvements
- DG. Pages. Allow to delete unsaved pages
- DG. Pages. On the Spanish keyboard, pressing Right Alt + 2 triggers Header 2 hotkey
Schema Monitoring
- DBSM. Save as a project. Admin updates