Release v24.1.1 - February 05, 2024

All dbt properties are now editable along with the relational model. The Data Governance Reports page can be shared to Confluence. Status page for tool/API/monitoring functions is also coming. Click the heading to see the full list πŸ‘†

Changes with no impact on existing DDL/API functions

Enterprise Plus

  • Audit logs. Apply button for Filter
  • Audit logs. Items are not displayed in the table due to the lack of page number when changing dates/searching

Data Governance

  • Report page. Confluence macros

Schema Monitoring

  • Icon buttons don't have a hover effect: expand icon and three dots icon
  • Increase the clickable area for the Visual Changelog icon
  • Remove autogenerated comments from SQL on compare
  • Visual changelog. Complete Schema and Job name is not filtered by search

Data Modeling

  • Site. Status page
  • All objects on a diagram look like updated
  • Change Table view mode to Conceptual view mode
  • Concurrent working incorrect flags display if a user creates templated table with flags
  • Creating schema from selecting dropdown
  • Dashboards. Arrow icon bold format
  • Dashboards. Title bold format
  • Dashboards. Unnecessary scrollbar appears
  • Databricks. Some table's properties are missing
  • DB Documentation. Add target objects property for dbt fields
  • DB Documentation. Export target objects property for dbt fields
  • dbt fields extended. Concurrent working
  • dbt fields extended. Documentation
  • dbt fields extended. Generate YAML
  • dbt fields extended. Import/export XLSX
  • dbt fields extended. Report pages
  • Diagram. Script panel improvements
  • GIT|AWS. Unable to push source DDL to git for the specific project
  • GIT|Gitlab. Unable to push source DDL to git for the specific project
  • GitHub integration isn't created
  • Snowflake SSO. Add a message if we can't get databases for role
  • Suggest relationship. Add sorting
  • Table templates. Applying sequence and default options for column
  • Table templates. Incomprehensible error in tooltip for table template
  • Table templates. logicalName is not being used for physicalName when physicalName is missing
  • Table templates. Name of the new template starts with capital letter
  • Table templates. New template names don't reflect the name property by default
  • Tool. "Productivity tips" in Help menu leads to a non-existing page
  • Tool. The value in the datatype is not saved if selected from the suggested
  • Tool: Analyze all views does not show warning when there is a syntax error
  • Can’t add object to the diagram after removing all diagrams and creating new one
  • Default table templates updates