Release v24.6.1 July 11, 2024

Logical modeling enhancements and lots of new functionality for Postgre. Click the heading to see the full list 👆

Changes with no impact on existing DDL/API functions

Data modeling

  • Sql Server. Direct Connect

  • Postgre. Errors and warnings

  • Postgre. Missing data types

  • Postgre. Views


  • Snowflake RE object filtering

  • Logical project. Onboarding

  • Logical project. Improvements (styles&texts)

  • Logical project. “Missing logical data type” is still visible and doesn’t allow users to save mappings

  • Dashboard. Highlighting the row with the opened context menu

  • Style dropdown lists

  • Data preview. Alert should be displayed in the “Data preview” console

  • Compare screen for RE import

  • Replace empty case icons

  • Delete object popup. Change text


  • Tx. Flows — there is a vast DevOps part that is not estimated yet

  • Tx. Rename “Display” to “Display name”

  • Tx. Web. Add Tx Tokens

  • Tx. Locations. Add schema to locations

  • Tx. Tx object. Open Results after validation

  • Tx. Location. User is able to parse object for deleted location

  • Tx. Locations. Script with existing objects without mapping is considered as ‘Updated’

  • Tx. Tx object and relationships disappearing from the ERD diagram after RE

  • Tx. Locations. Mapping of default location is not changed after switching the default location

  • Tx. Relational part. Tx-based objects. All columns are always displayed

  • Tx. Relational part. Sources. No new icons in RE and FE

  • Tx. Relational part. Tx-based objects. No warning when updating object via RE

Business Critical

  • Remove Audit logs limitations

  • Business Critical - Google Cloud storage