JUMP TOWelcome!Using the SqlDBM APIAuthorizationQuick StartSQLDBM REST APIGet dbt Source/Model YAMLGenerate dbt YAML for the latest revisiongetGenerate dbt YAML for a specific revisiongetGenerate dbt YAML for a specific object of the latest revision by namegetGenerate dbt YAML for a specific object of a specific revision by namegetGet project metadata and DDLGet project listgetGet revision listgetGet revisiongetGet the latest revisiongetGet DDLgetGet DDL for the latest revisiongetGet environment listgetGet alterscript for the latest revisionsgetGet alterscriptgetGet DDL for a specific object of the latest revision by namegetGet DDL for a specific object of a specific revision by namegetTransformational ProjectsReturns Tx Flow list.getReturns Tx Flow for Tx project by ID.getReturns Tx Runs list.getTriggers new run by flow idpostReturns Tx Run by ID.getReturns Tx Run status by ID.getCancel existing run by run idpostReturns Tx Environment details for particular Tx project.getReturns Tx objects list.getReturns Tx object details by name for particular Tx project.getPowered by Returns Tx Run status by ID.get https://api.sqldbm.com/runs/{runId}/status